Table Critique, my 3rd Rails app project!

Samara G
2 min readFeb 28, 2021

My Rails project Table Critique is essentially something very similar to Yelp. It’s a Restaurant Review app with the basic CRUD functions, you’re also able to give a rating with each review, and view other’s profiles.

The process of making this web application was not easy to say the least haha, between making sure my model associations were actually associating, and try to incorporate functions that actually break my app. It took me quite some time to put everything together seamlessly. I did however like the use of Partials, Helpers, etc.. to make the actual code file more appealing and easier to read. My main goal was to keep the code in my controllers as minimal as possible. I tried to incorporate most of the new methods I’ve learned over the course of Mod 3 into this app. Some of which I did not get into, but I do plan to make use of in the future.

One thing I did realize during this entire process was how imperative thoughtful planning is. I believe if I took the time to lay out every step in front of me, as opposed to planning as I go, I would’ve had an ideally better experience of creating this app. I recommend this advice to anyone reading this & pursuing this particular career.

I’m excited to continue forward, and I can’t wait to make another fun app in the future.

